Saturday, April 30, 2005

Morse Code Generator.

Type your text in a box and click 'Listen.' Your text will be translated to Morse Code. Use the slider at the bottom to adjust the speed. Any characters that are not alphanumerics, periods, commas or question marks will be ignored.

The Generator in Morse Code is --. . -. . .-. .- - --- .-.

[ Morse Code Generator ]

Friday, April 29, 2005

Scientific Title Generator.

Create your very own scientific title.

The Generator is a: Doctor of Illuminating and Damp Ideoanthrology

[ Scientific Title Generator ]

Bacterial Name Generator.

There's nothing more punk than actually being bacteria. Unfortunately, you're a preppy kid, not an infectious biological agent. How boring!

The Generator's Bacterial Name is: Acetothermus Enterobacter

[ Bacterial Name Generator ]

Monday, April 25, 2005

Papal Name Generator.

When you are asked to be Pope you only have seconds to tell them your Papal name. Don't end up looking like a chump for all eternity (are you listening Pope Hilarius?), choose your Papal Name now and be ready when the Holy Spirit comes a-knocking on your door.

The Generator's Papal name is: Pope Alexander IX

[ Papal Name Generator ]

Thursday, April 21, 2005

MSN Search Spoof Generator.

MSN Search introduces Spoof, a tool to let you create funny search results about a friend, family member, co-worker, or yourself.

# 'Office Rat' The Generator forgets what his wife looks like, but 'kinda remembers kids.'
# After seventeen consecutive days of partying, The Generator considers getting back to work so 'he can finally get some sleep.'

[ MSN Search Spoof Generator ]

Monday, April 18, 2005

Conservatives Poster Generator.

Those of you in the UK may have seen the Conservative Party's poster campaign, with 'provocative' statements alongside the slogan 'Are you thinking what we're thinking?' A fair few people would respond, 'No,' some others have gone further and altered actual posters for humorous effect.

Here, you can enter some text of your choice and have an image of that text on a Conservatives poster generated for you.

[ Conservatives Poster Generator ]

Motorcycle Name Generator.

Are you a hot lady biker or a harley rider?

The Generator's Motorcycle name is:
Phantom Goth Rider

[ Motorcycle Name Generator ]

Saturday, April 16, 2005

Family Story Generator.

Create your own family story. Use the boxes to fill out your information as you would like it to appear on your personalized Family Story. You will be able to print the completed form, or copy it to an email for your grandchild.

[ Family Story Generator ]

Friday, April 15, 2005

Past Life Generator.

Do you ever wonder what you looked like in a past life? Were you an entertainer, a king or queen or a street beggar? Check out who you were in a past life with the Past Life Generator. Click on the mirror to find out.
You have to cope with some annoying advertisements but at least you'll finally know who you were in another life.

It seems The Generator was an artist. You may have spent your past life painting great works of art. You gained much social status because of your artistic nature.

[ Past Life Generator ]

Star Trek Voyager Plot Generator.

Make your own fun - and boring - new computer generated Voyager story. Now you can create by random a story just as good as Rick Berman's staff get paid real money for!

Written by: Michael Piller and Brannon Braga.
Story by: Lisa Klink. Directed by: Cliff Bole.
When a virus spreads throughout the ship, Tuvok and Tom Paris must travel through time and delve deep into personal memories.

[ Star Trek Voyager Plot Generator ]

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Custom Van Sign Generator.

Now you can have what everyone has dreamed of for countless centuries. Your own air conditioning van. In order to afford such a luxury in real life, you'd need a lot of cash. To help you avoid the hassle of getting a cash advance, applying for credit, or taking out a loan, all you've got to do is enter your chosen company name and hit the 'Paint It!' button, and voila, you are now the proud owner of a cool new van.

Image Hosted by

[ Custom Van Sign Generator ]

Computer Science Paper Generator.

Generate your very own Computer Science research papers, including graphs, figures, and citations. You should see the paper I created. You can find it here.

[ Computer Science Paper Generator ]

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Biorhythm Generator.

Biorhythms are cycles that attempt to describe energy levels or capacities for performance in various areas. The three primary biorhythms are: physical, emotional and intellectual.
Generate your own biorhythm.

Image Hosted by

[ Biorhythm Generator ]

Politician Name Generator.

Yep... there are some secrets hidden in this one. I'll give you one. If you type in 'Bob' for 'Mr. Third Party,' you'll get Ben Gibbard (Death Cab for Cutie, The Postal Service).

The Generator's politician name is:
That one guy, Conor Athene or... well, it started with an A.

[ Politician Name Generator ]

Monday, April 11, 2005

Neon Sign Generator.

Create your own Neon Sign at Neon Central.

Image Hosted by

(via J-Walk Blog)

[ Neon Sign Generator ]

Acronym Generator.

Tired of practicing your blank stares for when someone says they need a TCP/IP-based LAN set up and a USB-to-SCSI adapter ASAP? Do you wish you could throw around acronyms with that same casual attitude that pisses you off so much? Here's your chance.

The Generator entered 'monday' and the Acronym Generator said it could be a 'Modular Optical Non-Device Architecture Yield.'

[ Acronym Generator ]

ID Card Generator.

Create your own UK Identity Card.
Without it, you're no-one.

Image Hosted by

(via J-Walk Blog)

[ ID Card Generator ]

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Silly Tasting Notes Generator.

Ever wanted to show off like you're a wine connoisseur? The next time you're having diner and want to impress the other guests, use the Silly Tasting Notes Generator to come up with something like:

Big and strong but french-oaked Dessert wine. Spews pork rind, understated teriyaki and semi-weak wart ointment. Fully refined but unripe perceptable pungent spore and smoked yellow taffy.

[ Silly Tasting Notes Generator ]

Wedding Toast Generator.

Here's a simple formula that allows you to build your own toast. Simply take a piece from the Intro section, add to it a piece from the Content section and then add a final piece from the Closing section to produce your very own well written toast.

[ Wedding Toast Generator ]

Unitarian Jihad Name Generator.

The Unitarian Jihad will appear in public places and require people to shake hands with each other. They will require all lobbyists, spokesmen and campaign managers to dress like trout in public. Televangelists will be forced to take jobs as Xerox repair specialists. Demagogues of all stripes will be required to read Proust out loud in prisons. Get your Unitarian Jihad Name.

The Generator's Unitarian Jihad Name is:
Brother Howitzer of Compassion.

[ Unitarian Jihad Name Generator ]

Saturday, April 09, 2005

Bush Press Conference Response Generator.

Ask George W. Bush a question and he'll respond.
The Generator asked: If love is blind, why is lingerie so popular?

Er. I mean... (long pause) I wish you would have given me this written question ahead of time, so I could plan for it. You know, I just... I'm sure something will pop into my head here in the midst of this press conference, with all the pressure of trying to come up with an answer, but it hadn't yet.

[ Bush Press Conference Response Generator ]

SubGenius Rant Generator.

Are you familiar with the 'Word of Bob?'
Maybe you need to learn more. It depends on how you react to these electronically generated yet divinely authentic spews of truth.

Blessed is the REAL SubGenius! BLESSED is he who needs no Clench meeting to refill his Slack. Yet he still is INVISIBLE to the False SubGeniis. The SubGenius I'm talking about is free and is FREE from the idiotic bonds of time clocks. Will YOU be among the Saved? The SubGenius cannot IMAGINE what it is like to be Normal. The Glorps will FLEE before that Stark Fist, but TOO LATE! They don't understand that a BAD ATTITUDE is our SALVATION! So TAKE it! divine mockery is our DUTY!

[ SubGenius Rant Generator ]

Thursday, April 07, 2005

James Bond's Martini Generator.

Do you have what it takes to mix a martini for 007?
The rewards for success are many. The penalty for failure is grave.

[ James Bond's Martini Generator ]

Serial Killer Alias Generator.

You have your fishhooks, rubber gloves, rusty nails and Beach Boys albums. Now all you need is a name that will send chills down the vertibrae of your victims.

The Generator's Serial Killer Alias is Jake the Grinder.

[ Serial Killer Alias Generator ]

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Work Haiku Generator.

You may have a boring and depressing job, but thanks to the Work Haiku Generator you can leave your 6 x 6 foot cubicle cell working for 'The Man' and escape into a snow covered field. While senior managers mull over how to spend their bonus checks, you can spend your time taunting them with an ancient Japanese art form.

Smoke break, Coffee break,
Lunch, Now: at work I dwell on
Times when I don't work

[ Work Haiku Generator ]

Inner Goddess Generator.

According to this lingerie site, there's a hidden goddess inside us all. Find your true divine destiny with the Inner Goddess Revealer.

The Generator is the Goddess of comfy sofas, sunsets and things that you cannot afford. This season, this goddess will mostly be wearing basque style lingerie.

(via Hannah)

[ Inner Goddess Generator ]

Monday, April 04, 2005

Wedding Chapel Sign Generator.

Make your own custom wedding chapel sign.

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[ Wedding Chapel Sign Generator ]

Fractal Worldmap Generator.

The Fractal Worldmap Generator lets you generate your own worldmaps on the fly. Just enter some numbers and after a while you'll get a fractal worldmap in gif-format.

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[ Fractal Worldmap Generator ]

Web Quest Generator.

A Web Quest is a method used to engage students in inquiry based learning. A web quest is meant to guide students through a process of inquiry through a set of assigned tasks that lead them to a conclusion, or that results in a product.

[ Web Quest Generator ]

Sunday, April 03, 2005

LiveJournal Drama Generator.

The Live Journal Dramanator builds randomized drama customized to a specific LiveJournal user. The drama includes matters of life, death, love, war, and all of the kinds.
All the drama you see is 100% pure, recycled LiveJournal drama lifted fresh from the pages of some of the most dramatic people on Earth.

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[ LiveJournal Drama Generator ]

Pattern Generator.

The Pattern Generator is actually a game, but a difficult one. It allows the user to learn to recognize several types of patterns through filling in the missing pieces.

After looking at the pieces of the pattern that are already in place, click and drag the missing pieces onto the board.

[ Pattern Generator ]

Friday, April 01, 2005

Academy Awards Acceptance Speech Generator.

Up for an Oscar, but too darned busy to write your acceptance speech? Have no fear! This handy-dandy interweb doo-dad can do the heavy lifting for you.

The Generator's Acceptance Speech for the Best Complexion in a Documentary Oscar:

Thank you! Oh! Thank you! I can hardly conjugate verbs! I feel so surgically enhanced! And this statue - it's so heavy! Oh, thank you again! I just want everyone to secretly suspect that even in my wildest fits of self-loathing, I never would have frantically prayed that this could ever be so meaningless. And to the other suck-ass nominees, I want each of you to know how totally saddened your fake smiles makes me feel right now!

You know when they first told me I was not the father, I just had to take a Xanax and laugh about how freakish my experiences have been. I guess it all just makes me feel kinda cheap You know, there are so many back-stabbing leeches to thank! First off though, I want to thank the senile old bats of the Academy, who looked deep within their lint-encrusted navels before giving me this fantastic award! Also, I want to thank my guru, for being such a powerful force in my life. And to the hooker with the heart of gold, who taught me to take life by the day. And finally, to all the personal assistants I fired - I couldn't have done it without you!

Thank you America, and good night!

[ Academy Awards Acceptance Speech Generator ]

Random Daily Prompt Generator.

If you're a writer or a teacher, you can use the Random Daily Prompt Generator to find a suitable writing topic for your journal or your weblog.

Think of an interesting ceiling you once stared at and thought about. Write about you staring... and what it was that caused you to stare.

[ Random Daily Prompt Generator ]